Green Molding in General


Additive Manufacturing at K2013

In this document, I will report about Additive Manufacturing technology at K2013.

Additive Manufacturing at K2013
  • Green Molding in General


“Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” in molding factories (3) --- What is the Association of Green Molding Solutions?

Achieving an improvement of resource efficiency is challenging. Improving resource efficiency by a factor o...

“Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” in molding factories (3) --- What is the Association of Green Molding Solutions?
  • Green Molding in General


Toward “Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” in molding factories (2) --- Is the waste of resource in molding factories is so huge?

if factor4 is feasible, that means the current resource efficiency of most molding factories is below 25%...

Toward “Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” in molding factories (2) --- Is the waste of resource in molding factories is so huge?
  • Getting Rid of Wasted Energy
  • Getting Rid of Material Waste
  • Green Molding in General


Achieve Green Molding (1) --- Self Control Feature; iplas

We, Matsui, propose “factor4” as a primary target in molding factories. As a partner for…

Achieve Green Molding (1) --- Self Control Feature; iplas
  • Getting Rid of Wasted Energy
  • Getting Rid of Material Waste
  • Green Molding in General


Green Molding --- Toward “Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” in molding factories(1)

Our association promotes “Green Molding”, which enables manufacturers in the global plastics industry…

Green Molding --- Toward “Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” in molding factories(1)
  • Green Molding in General